The chains are broken-Acts 16 verse 26


Day 100, 2020.

Beloved. What an awesome day in history, the 100th day.

“Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye land- Psalm 100 verse 1”.

The Lord in His wisdom used the below metaphor to explain the end of the pandemic to me.

“The standard time in a game of football is 90 mins and if by reason of tie(when a winner must emerge) it extends to extra time and penalty, however a winner must emerged and event must come to an end with the winning side shouting for Joy. The Lord has declared the end of this pandemic, but someone is saying, how come we still have death tolls? The Lord said you should, Stop minding the ranting news; mind the whistle of the referee signifying the end of the pandemic. Let all the saints shout a victorious Hallelujah!”.

The chains are broken.

Happy Resurrection season; Congratulations on your family seasoned testimonies. GO

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