Marriage Declaration


As I wait upon Him tonight on the eve of my birthday, 20 Dec 2020.
I stood in gap for all my sons and daughters believing God for marital destiny.
I saw this word in a new dimension.
And God said, it is not good that a man(your husband) should be alone, I will make for Him an helpmate, (Please put your name ) – Gen 2 verse 18.
God forbid your husband to stay alone from tonight.
As the morning dew appear, your dew season starts!
Therefore, I stand on the authority of this word tonight that an end has come to the loneliness of your husband.
Like Rebecca, your Isaac will locate you.
If he has to travel to locate you it will happen.
By my next birthday, 20th Dec you are celebrating it in your home.
In your brand new name as Mrs……..
It is Done.

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