Happy Birthday to GO


Friends, sons and daughters
I can feel God the way I have not felt His presence all my life
He is all over me
My birthday is few hours away
God is driving away every unwanted issues and drawing to you all your heart desires!
It is not an ordinary day saith the Lord.
Friends, Desire one good thing from Jesus ahead of the day.

Years ago, my son Bukunmi is a witness!
I had arrived from Abuja on a day like this 19th December for the birthday celebration on 20th December.
Meanwhile NEPA had taken electric power supply for a space of 2days at this time
And as 12.01, 20th was approaching and I asked the Lord, will I celebrate my birthday without LIGHT.
The everlasting light showed up and physical light was restored immediately.
Therefore, whatever has been taken away from you and your family shall be restored forthwith in Jesus name.

2nd Testimony

15 years ago, as my birthday draw near, I said to Jesus, it will be good if I celebrate my birthday next year with new born babies delivered on my birthday.
This is the way I said it, Jesus let a man impregnate a woman around my house now and let the baby joined me for my next birthday 😁😁😁😁😁

I asked for one, God delivered twins in the 20th Dec(Two boys), one of them will be on ground on 26th Dec for the celebration
He is now 15Years Old today
When I pray God hears!

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