God answers Prayers


Day 23, 2020 and Day 18, Winners Corporate fasting and prayers.
Beloved. God is a prayer answering God. Several years ago, i had a strong desire to be married to a lady whose height will be above average and a scholar. Why? My height at this time was less than average and i was “slightly” distracted in my academic so I was not an A student. So i needed someone who could complement these two identified opportunities and thus change the DNA of my generation forever. I prayed this prayer whilst i was 12 years and about 12 years later when I sighted my wife at the University, “the Lord said to me this is your wife”. I said how? And He showed me a picture of myself in secondary school uniform whilst i made the demand-Jer 33 verse 3- Call unto me and I will answer you and show your great and mighty things thou knoweth not” .And today she is an academic don and as per my height I am the shortest in the family of five including our three children. God does answers prayers-Mattew 7 verses 7 & 8. “God said, I should tell someone on this platform, your prayers have been answered. He will show you a sign saith the Lord”. GO

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