Day 294, 2018 – Daily Loads of Benefits


Beloved. I just had a short conversation with Jesus now. I said to Him, today is one of my happiest day on earth. And He said really, what happened Son? And I replied Him, Thou knoweth all things including my thoughts now. So thou knoweth. And I consider it a priviledge that my Father asked me a mortal man, this question. So I said to Him, because you spoke to me yesterday morning on what will happen today and as usual it came to pass. And He responded immediately and said, Son this week will be seasons of celebration and jubilation for you and every one on this platform-2 chronicles 20 verse 25. It is Done. GO

One Comment

  1. Olabisi Akintunde
    25 Oct 2018 04:39:02 Reply

    Awesome God

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