Daily loads of benefits – Day 60


Day 60, 2022. Beloved. Congratulations for all the great exploits and testimonies experienced in the month of February. To Him be all the Glory. On behalf of Jesus, I welcome you to this new brand month, the 3rd month in the year 2022.
As I wait upon the Lord, I heard The Lord said to me, this month shall be to you and I the month of double restoration, recovery and glorification. And the Lord took me through Isaiah 1 verse 1-22. For it is written, Arise, shine for thy light is come and the Glory of the Lord has risen upon you. (verse 1). For brass, He will give you Gold(verse 17). The Lord shall be thy everlasting light and thy God your Glory(verse 19), Your little ones shall become a thousand and small one a strong nation and God will hasten it in His time( the month of March)verse 22,
Friends, God cannot lie. Like a dream of the night, your glorification and multiplication shall be seen by all eyes. I will hear your testimonies; you will hear mine.

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