Daily loads of benefits – Day 52


Day 52, 2022. Beloved. Those who subscribe to His shepherd hood cannot suffer shipwreck. In other words, they enjoy divine covering and guidance. Someone once asked me, what would you consider as your greatest asset?. I said, one of my greatest assets is ability to hear God per time and obeying His voice on time. Psalm 23 verse 1-2. The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want, He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, he leadeth me beside still waters.
For someone on this platform, you will Hear the voice of God afresh today and the Grace to obey Him instantly is released afresh on you. Friends, please note that only those who subscribes to His sherpardhood will not live in the woods and wools of live and enjoy Gods’ exception rights from wolves.
On this 23rd day in February, you will scale new heights vis Gods divine leading.


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