Daily loads of benefits – Day 337


Day 337, 2021. Beloved. Every act of God is renewable and can be duplicated. My biological father desired to be a lawyer and went to school at age 70 to study law, he got a diploma in law and served as a magistrate in Lagos for about 5years before he was called home, my daughter, Foyinsolami was 2 years old at the time. I recall my father said, Foyinsola will study law. God confirmed it. What God said 20 years ago, came to pass. And today we dedicate her LLB to Jesus, the great prophet that spoke and brought it to pass- Isaiah 14 verse 24- “The Lord of Host has sworn that surely as I have thought so shall it come to pass, as I have purposed so shall it stand”
Therefore, every desires of your heart and mine today concerning our children, spouses and ministry is granted.
We will rejoice over our children, our joy shall be full. The grace for completion, perfection and distinction are released into their lives!

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