Daily loads of Benefits – Day 279, 2020


Day 279, 2020.

Beloved. God is not an unjust God. Nor does His bowel of mercy seized. Going through my Facebook page yesterday, I saw this great word He shared with me exactly 2 years ago. Interestingly, He spoke the same word to His people during my ministration yesterday in church. I know there are no coincidences with God, only incidences exist in the things of the Spirit. And the word is from the book of “Isaiah 49 verse 15- Can a woman forget her child that she should not have compassion upon the child of her womb, He said yea they may forget, yet will I, Lord not forget thee”. For someone on this platform going through season of doubt of the Love of the Father, I have good news for you, your season of remembrance is HERE! Shout Hallelujah.
You and I will testify.

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