Daily loads of benefits – Day 234


Day 234, 2022. Beloved. Our God is a Humorous God.
He said to me as I woke up yesterday, “Happy New Year”. I said Jesus, This is August why are you wishing me a happy New Year? He said, Yes I know it is August. Then He went further to say welcome to your season of newness of ALL THINGS. Friends, I did not understand the depth of His words until I heard testimonies on life threatening incidents from 2 of my son and daughter on this platform. The incidents occurred on Saturday, 20th and Sunday 21th respectively. And Jesus reminded me of His words to me and asked me this question. My son, what is the import of saying Happy New Year on 1st January every year. I said to thank God that we crossed over to the new year Alive.
Then I said, oh I see! That I and all my sons and daughters are crossing over in JOY and REJOICING. We will not mourn over any one.
Therefore, to all our sons and daughters across the globe, on behalf of Jesus, I wish you a Happy New Year.
In other words, every word spoken concerning you as per year 2022 shall come to pass, the remaining 131 days shall be days of testimonies and together we shall enter 2023 triumphantly!
So shall it be Amen!


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