Daily loads of benefits – Day 196


Day 196, 2022. Beloved. I had a unique visitation from God 2 nights ago, in a fashion unprecedented in my over 35years walk with The Lord. The Lord took me up to His hemisphere and showed me the galaxy comprising stars. It was so real, refreshing and reassuring. I will forever cherished this experience. And then, I heard The Lord said to me, The grace of enlargement and expansion have been given to you. I the Lord of enlargement has visited you- Isaiah 60 verse 2.
God is too faithful to fail. He cannot deny Himself.
Therefore enlarge the place of thy tent and stretch forth the curtains of thy habitations, spare not lengthen thy cords and strengthen thy stakes saith the Lord.
Welcome to your era of breaking new frontiers.
For those that believeth, you will begin to do great exploits in career, ministry and endeavors.


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