Daily loads of benefits – Day 181, 2020


Day 181, 2020.

Beloved. Today is the last day in the first half of the year 2020.
The Lord woke me up at about 2.20am(the time is prophetic) local time and as I wait upon Him for a seasoned word, The Almighty God said to me open the book of life to Isaiah 30, as I read it light struck and I saw verse 18, “And therefore will the Lord wait for you that He May be gracious on you and therefore will He be exalted that He May have mercy on you for the Lord is a God of Judgement; blessed are all they that for Him”. In other words, you have waited till this last day for a change of story. He said, He will judge your adversaries and you shall enjoy His mercies.

Therefore, as the Lord liveth, before 12 midnight today, 30/6/2020 our dominions would have been established. We are moving to the 2nd half of the year triumphantly. It is Done. GO

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