Birthday Grace – Testimonies


Testimony 1

And on a certain day like this, 11 year ago. I said to the Lord, I need someone other than myself to join me on 20th Dec to celebrate my birthday. And the Lord visited a couple 3 houses from mine. And a set of Twins arrived. And what a coincidence 11 more days to GO in 2019, and Today is their 11th year birthday. For someone this morning, the Lord is opening your womb of testimony and by 20th December 2020, your double order of testimony will be seen by all eyes. The zeal of the Lord of Host will perfect it.

Amen. GO

Testimony 2

And on a certain day, a young man walked to my office and said to me Sir, I have a burden I want to share with you. And he narrated how his wife had miscarriage on two occasions and it was clear, he required Gods intervention. And I laid my hands on him and declared that God will visit him and on 20th Dec that same year a baby girl appeared. Today she is 6years old. God cannot lie. For someone on this platform in 9months time according to the spirit of life, your set of twins will arrive.

It is Done. GO

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