Daily loads of Benefits – Day 147


Day 147, 2023. Beloved. God cannot forget your labour and sacrifices. For it is written, can a woman forget her child that she should not have compassion upon the child of her womb? He said Yes, they may forget but I will never forget you-Isaiah 49 verse 15.
Friends, I sowed a seed of faith 15 years ago, concerning a wrong verdict and yesterday, the verdict was reversed. Therefore, I speak to every seeds you have sown either it is of faith, love, or to prophets, before this month is over, my God will perform a strange work in your life in Jesus name.
It is Done.


Happy Children’s Day.
We are all babes in His Hands!
He will never/cannot forget YOU!

For everyone on line for miracle children, by this time next year, your children will be counted among the children on the list of Children for the 2024 Children’s Day Celebrations!

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