Daily loads of benefits – Day 24


Day 24,2022. Beloved. My father, My God woke me up this morning with this heavenly song- I receive my miracle today today…….,Friends, Now our God is a God of Miracles. What is a Miracle? Gods Act that make a mess of man’s oracle…Hallelujah!

Therefore, every negative word ever spoken against you and I, every ancient ordinance written or conjured against us, every ancestral marks against us comes to NOUGHT(Zero) today. For it is written, those who wage war against you will be as NOTHING, you will look for them and you will not find them even those who contend against you, your spouse and your children saith the Lord- Isaiah 41 verse 12.

I heard Him said to me now, I AM Jehovah OVER DO! Receive your miracles!
It is Done.

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