Daily loads of benefits – Day 102


People of God.
God cannot lie.
We are in our season of remembrance.
As I opened my bible now, (3am local time)to read from the book of Psalms.
Suddenly, the Holy Spirit opened unto 1samuel verse 1-28.
He practically stopped me from opening my bible further than this portion. And He said Read here! Stay here!

A popular portion in the Bible. The testimony of Hannah and her husband prayers, sacrifice and vow that brought Samuel.

1 samuel 1 Verse 19:
And they rose up in the morning early and worshipped before the Lord and returned and came to their house to Ramah and Elkanah knew Hannah his wife and the Lord remembered her.

For someone on this platform, my God has remembered you.
concerning that desire, you will testify.
By December 2021, your babies shall be dedicated

Pray this Prayer
Lord, remember me for good this day, this week, this month and this year

And remember to enter a vow with God, Hannah did and Samuel came.

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